The edge is the first place to inspect when checking slitting problems during the steel coil slitting process.
How can you judge a edge is good or not? It’s not as difficult as it sounds.On most common slit thicknesses, a 30x microscope is ideal for this purpose. Normally there is a nick (shiny) and a break (dull) area on the edge. If the line is straight between the nick and the break and the fracture is clean, it is a good edge . If the line is uneven or the break is rough, it is a bad edge.
Some slitting problems can be attributed to poor metal quality; however, it is much more common for the problems to be caused by other variables and factors during the slitting process. Slitting encompasses many variables, and most of them can be controlled. To achieve a good slitting result, each variable that can be controlled must be controlled.
Metal Coil Slitting Process has been thought of as an art, but it is increasingly becoming recognized as a science. Because of advances in equipment, tooling, and software, it is now possible to control the variables and to improve the slitting process to achieve slitting result.